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Clinical Training: 22nd -27th February

Clinical training program for Homoeopathic Physicians to enhance their skills in applied Homoeopathic Materia Medica with relation to judicious prescription and preparation of aqua based liquid potencies.

The clinical training program for doctors was organized in order to enhance their clinical skills for case taking, posology, clinical pharmacy and drug administration in water doses.

A batch of 20 doctors from different states of India joined the program, attended live case taking of various serious cases in many OPDs. The attendees took the tour of our indoor patient departments, wards, private rooms, medicine dispensary for OPD as well as IPD and practically learned the procedure of preparation of liquid potency and the correct method of their administration.

Prof. Dr. Pradeep Gupta took lectures on Materia Medica, Organon of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. He spoke in length about LM potencies, how to prepare centesimal potencies in aqua for patients with respect to the 6th edition of Organon of Medicine. Additionally, the doctors received a good exposure of daily O.P.D. / I.P.D while learning the various aspects of day-to-day difficulties in their practice and how to overcome them.

Naiminath Homoeopathic Hospital is one of the few hospitals around the globe which dispenses 50 millesimal potencies and centesimal potencies as described by our master Hahnemann in 6th edition Organon of Medicine. Our only mission is to empower the homoeopathic doctors by enhancing their clinical skills so that they are able to treat all kind of diseases with utmost comfort. Our motto is to spread the actual wisdom to all homoeopths for the betterment of Homoeopathy and betterment of mankind. Thus, these clinical trainings are organized on regular intervals.