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Clinical Training: 24th - 30th May

Clinical training for homoeopathic physicians to boost their knowledge about Classical homoeopathy in management and treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease.

Chronic Kidney Disease, a life-threatening condition, which can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated correctly. We at Naiminath Homoeopathic Hospital have successfully treated and cured thousands of C.K.D. patients and with an aim to share this wisdom we had organized this clinical training program.

Seventeen doctors from different states of India visited us to attend the clinical training on management of C.K.D. patients by homoeopathic mode of medicine. In addition to this their misconception of a popular trend that is, Poly- Medicine prescription was cleared.

During the training we re-introduced them with the basic principles of homoeopathy. The doctors were encouraged to stick to those principles to attain the true results. All our guest doctors enhanced their knowledge of Classical Homoeopathy and its Miraculous results by witnessing over twelve patients of C.K.D. admitted in the hospital and over hundreds of such O.P.D. patients.