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Clinical Training: 20th - 24th Feb 2024

IPD/OPD Clinical training for homoeopathic physician from India to improve their knowledge of Repertory, Bedside application of Materia Medica and about constitutional medicines.

Naiminath Homoeopathic Hospital works with only one aim, that is betterment of mankind and Homoeopathy. In order to accomplish this aim, on request of fellow doctors from different Indian state we arranged a clinical training regarding use of Repertory and bedside application of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.

Twenty doctors from all over India came to attend this 5-day training. Daily lectures on use of Repertory and Homoeopathic Materia Medica were arranged for them. Prof. Dr. Pradeep Gupta enhanced their knowledge about understanding different constitutions, their significant characteristics and explained key points of prescription according to his experience over thousands of patients.

The exposure to running OPD and IPD was extremely informative for the guests as they saw the real-time application of the Materia Medica with respect to rules of Organon. All the guest doctors greatly appreciated the institution for the value addition to their knowledge from the clinical training program.

Case Study:

A patient name Vinodini of age 50year diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of cervix came into Naiminath Homeopathic Medical Hospital with complaints like bulky utreus with cervical mass,bleeding per vagina, severe burning while urination, bleeding with thick brown large clots .After taking the case in opd she admitted to our hospital and by taking the treatment the severe burning after urination better than before and 10 % of its complaints reduce and after increasing the potency of medicine other complaints also reduces like bleeding from vagina reduces ,abdominal pain reduces ,no itching from vagina and all other complaints reduces upto 95%

Patient discharged after 7 days and she is still under treatment.